SEP521 소프트웨어 공학 원리 SPRING 2015
Summary of Lecture:
This course is a graduate-level introductory course on the fundamental concepts and principles of software engineering. This course is designed to provide students with all aspects of software development from the requirement specification to the maintenance of a software system. It also includes software development processes as well as all the activities such as project management, supporting tools, and other supporting theories.
Instructor: Jongmoon Baik
Phone: 042-350-3556: Mobile: 010-4618-5904
Email: jbaik
Office: Rm. 302
Class homepage:
Class Meetings: THU 13:30 ~ 16:30 PM
Teaching Assistant:
Jinhee Park
Mobile: 010-2478-0660, Email: jh_park
Grading Policy: *The following evaluation criteria may change
Attendance & Participation: 10%
Midterm exam: 20%
Final exam: 20%
Assignments (Individual & Group): 20%
Final Project: 30%
Main Text Book:
Roger S. Pressman, ‘Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach’, 7th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2010, ISBN-10: 0073375977/ISBN-13: 978-0073375977
Auxiliary Text books:
Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, ‘Unified Modeling Language User Guide’, 2nd Edition, 2005, ISBN-10: 0321267974/ISBN-13: 978-0321267979
Martin Fowler, ‘UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language’, 3rd Edition, 2003, Addison-Wesley,ISBN-10: 0321193687/ISBN-13: 978-0321193681